Richard Cartwright

Partner, Bristol

Richard Cartwright

Richard acts for many wealthy individuals, entrepreneurs, families and trustees who own and manage rural landed estates, professional partnerships and many owner-managed businesses.

The majority of his clients have significant wealth, often invested in land and property and have tax affairs with a level of complexity that require regular discussions and meetings. Being able to explain complicated business structure and tax-related matters in a way that everyone can understand is essential to Richard being able to continue to undertake his role successfully.

Until recently, Richard was a member of the firm’s Management Board and previous to that was the firm’s Deputy Chairman and a member of the firm’s Governance body, the Partnership Committee.

Key experience

  • Providing advice to a family who own a landed estate, in relation to their plans for succession and the steps required to enhance tax reliefs available,
  • Discussing the ways in which particular assets could pass to the next generation of a wealthy family without crystallising immediate tax liabilities and planning for future income streams,
  • Providing advice to a significant property portfolio owner about ways in which their annual income could be altered to reduce the annual tax burden and providing a strategic plan to do so,
  • Advising the owners and directors of a successful trading company of the most beneficial way in which their expanding number of business ventures could be structured to minimise annual tax liabilities, but with a view to future capital gains tax and inheritance tax implications,
  • Being a trusted adviser to a number of entrepreneurs and business owners and discussing and advising them on strategic issues facing their business.


Richard is based in Bristol, but also has a home where he grew up in Paignton, Devon. Holidays to interesting and cultural places are high on the interest list and trips abroad have taken Richard to many places around the world. In recent years he has been a Governor at Clifton College and Truro School, roles he really enjoyed. He is currently a Trustee of a charity called Gympanzees. He enjoys watching many sports and endures being a lifelong supporter of Coventry City.
