Good surprises only

We get it. Applying for a new role can be daunting. And not knowing what to expect from the recruitment process is unnerving. So, here’s everything you need to know about how it all works at Saffery. 

How do I apply for a role?

Head to our live jobs page. Click on the role you’re interested in, hit the apply button, and you’ll see all the details you need. 

What qualifications and experience do I need?

It depends on the role you’re applying for. Every live job will spell out what’s needed.  

What happens during the interview?

Typically, we’ll invite you into your closest office for your first interview. It’s a chance for us to get to know each other, to see if we’re right for you, and you’re right for the role. We’ll want to hear about your experience and ambitions – and any questions you have. 

If we get on, if you get a good feel for us and we get a good feel for you, we’ll ask you back in to meet some of the team. You’ll be able to see what it’s really like to work here, and have the chance to show and tell us more about you, your skills and your experience. 

How can I prepare for the interview?

Do your research. Have a good read through this website and a good look at our social media channels. Also, take a look at our other hints and tips.

How do I find out about pay and benefits?

Everything you need to know, from bonus schemes to pension plans, is in our pay and benefits section. 

Can I work abroad?

We have plenty of international clients so an overseas opportunity may be possible. Again, it depends on the role.
