Our Charities VAT and Tax Team is wholly dedicated to advising charities and other not-for-profit organisations.
We have many years’ experience advising a range of clients across different specialisms within this sector.
We regularly provide the following specialist services for the charity and not-for-profit sector:
We advise charities on how to maximise the benefit of the exemptions from direct tax.
Charities are exempt from income tax or corporation tax on their income, profits and gains so long as they satisfy the conditions for exemption and the income and gains are applied solely for charitable purposes. We advise charities to ensure they satisfy these conditions and we advise on other tax matters, including:
We prepare tax returns for charities and their trading subsidiaries and we advise on the amount of donation that a subsidiary should make in order to avoid, where possible, any corporation tax arising.
We provide comprehensive advice and guidance to charities so that they can maximise their ability to claim Gift Aid on donations, including:
We undertake Gift Aid health-checks to ensure that appropriate procedures are in place and that record keeping is compliant. We can also assist charities should HMRC undertake a review of their Gift Aid claims.
If you wish to discuss VAT or tax matters concerning charities or other not-for-profit organisations, please contact us.
Key experience